Friday, June 15, 2007

Way too late.....but not really

Gods timing is not our timing...even after 10 months...I'm still learning.

It's 12:58am here in Nashville. I finally nabbed a job with a little help from the Man upstairs. This night is one of the last nights that I get to stay up this late...Sometimes (like yesterday) I'm up till the sun shines through my Green Hills apartment and the birds here in the courtyard remind me that I should either get to bed or begin to make some coffee (what is it with coffee anyways?...seems overrated in my head but I still fall for it every time.)

So the title of this post fits my life to a "T." Especially for the last 10 months... Wow. Have I really not had a job for 10 months?? Thats a miracle in itself. I'd like to believe that God is in control of all that. He's obviously been my accountant for the last 10 months because freelancing for me has definitely not been a cash cow. Though I'll admit those checks from good ol' uncle Sam helped. But not really. I went to Mexico 2 times in the last 10 months. The 2nd time I went for 2 months. How did I do that, you ask? Well. I'm not sure in my own logic, but then, theres that God thing. So I get back from traveling. And I mean traveling a LOT....I was so burnt out from sleeping on the floor, friends couches, mexican couches, foreign beds, caves (yes I slept in a cave), camping, my dads truck, & Mexican hotels that when I finally got back into the country and back into nashville (I spent a couple weeks in SC, "debriefing"), I couldn't even sleep in my own bed... My body was still in "travel shock." (Not only Mexico in the last 10 but to SC, ILL, AZ & NC) I ended up sleeping on my own couch, in my sleeping bag, for two weeks. I just couldn't get myself to sleep in my own bed. I promised myself that I would write, make slideshows, edit travel videos of my trip. But I couldn't. I just couldn't... Until now... I mean. I did post (read below) some stuff about my trip... But never in the detail that I wanted it to have. I felt that my life was on hold...and I was late getting back... But thats the thing... my life wasn't on hold... maybe in some instances...But this was another turning point that would lead to a purification process that is still going on today.

I started reading the bible, praying and meditating every morning. By-the-way, "meditating" for me is different that you would think. I don't sit in the middle of my bed and go "oohm." My meditations are something special and between me and God... I know, sounds wacko doesn't it? Trust me, its nothing spectacular. Its just a way to help me prepare my time with God in the morning....err.. afternoon, depending on when I wake up. Anyways. Late....again with the lateness. I started this travel blog after a 2 year hiatus from blogging... It got too boring for me...I felt like I was writing just to write. I started a series of notebooks to keep with me...At any given time I can have about 3-4 different notebooks going. (music composition, design stuff, journal, travel) I've never seen my self as a writer but that's whats seems to be dripping from my seams lately. Lee and Drew held the Design biz down pretty well while I was out of the country. I missed a couple of birthdays (sorry Chris) but I made it back in time for one (Morgan). Once back, I felt that my time alone in what I call, "my wilderness," wasn't over yet.

God really works in crazy ways. I know its been said before... But its true. The thing is, He works in real ways. We just have to have the sight to see them when He does work. I see him work all around me if I can just look for the small things so I can see the Big things.... I'm not sure where I'm going in this blog...or where I'm going in the next month. Let alone the next 3 days. I'll be starting a new job soon and working for a new company that's expanding to Nashville from out West. I'll be working on a ministry for Mexico....Mexico is never far from my mind. Sometimes I grin or chuckle at the thought of Mexican Federales after us one eventful night. God was surely watching after us then ... Like he is tonight. I did feel alive during those days... And I feel alive today. I just had to let go of the world...I'm still letting go. Dying is a hard process because it goes against everything our bodies are telling us. But once you accept it. Letting go of the world is not so bad.

Now. Looks like I hit my second wind. Guess I'll go cruise to the other blogs.
whoever and where ever you are, I hope things are well.

[+] greg

1 comment:

Allie, Dearest said...

Thanks for your great comments, it's nice to know that someone is out there so late at night, wrestling with these issues.
